
Scarlett Johansson: point, set and Match!

Hello! Here we go again. This time with the amazing Scarlett Johansson!! You don't know who she is?!?!?! Well, then the best you could do is to take the rest of the day off and question your existence in this planet and try to realize what the hell you've been doing here! Besides that, take the time to go to your video store and get some DVDs, like "Match Point", "The Island" or "Lost In Translation" and take a good look to what you've been missing.

Click an image to enlarge.

So? Do you feel a little better now?? There, there! Don't cry! In your defense you could always say that since the girl's not even 22 and that she has been around recently, you were not exactly seeing who she was, but the truth is that the guilt that you feeling inside, no one can take it away, right?
Keep an eye on the site that will be available soon and where you'll find more photos of Scarlett Johansson. DON'T MISS IT!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im saeid,can you do me a favour and send me her photo.
but i want to see her with black hairs.she allways had golden hairs,you know what i mean?
i just want to see her with black hairs,thats all.
thank you