
Susana Werner also heated Ronaldo's Winter. How about yours? Would it help?

OK! I'm back at last... After a long absence (for which i apologise), i've decided to come back, and resume exactly where i stopped... At that time, i was talking (or showing, if you prefer) about Ronaldo's (ex) girlfriends, having begun with Daniella Cicarelli (which after the YouTube ...controversy, got even more famous), with whom the Real Madrid striker had a flash relationship (having been married to her for 86 whole days!?!?!?!).

But back to the start (the end of 1996), when Ronaldo dated Susana Werner for about two years. The truth is that the guy always treated himself very well, and the pictures below prove that back in those days he already had a good eye... Susana Werner is a very sexy and hot blonde and any commentary left in this post that says otherwise, will probably risk himself to an immediate removal!!

Click an image to enlarge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super sexy more please!!!